St. Pete Beach Locals Make A Run For The Discovery Channel
- October 24, 2016
The Hottest Bite

By: Cpt. Tyler Kapela
How did The Hottest Bite come to be?
Shortly after my co-host Marissa Everhart and I met, we were on our way back from a camping trip to Ginnie Springs when we had an epiphany. Though we had very different professional backgrounds (I being a professional fishing charter captain/former host of a nationally televised fishing show and Marissa being a Playboy Playmate/ professional fashion model) it didn’t take long for us to realize that we both had a lust for adventure, love for the ocean, and an intense zest for life. With the skills I honed as a professional captain and television host coupled with Marissa’s nearly unmatched social media prowess and can do anything attitude, the path was all of a suddenly clear. It was time to team up, pool our resources, and create our own fishing/adventure show. Thus, The Hottest Bite was born!
Where can viewers watch The Hottest Bite?
As of now The Discovery Channel and Destination America Networks are looking to pick up the show. In any case, with a steady decline in television viewership and an exponential increase in online viewership it is only natural that we stay ahead of the curve and place our show on the most popular, high end online media platforms while promoting it across our unrivaled social media outlets (we have over 5 million followers collectively and steadily growing!).