Search Continues For Missing Boaters Off Pass-A-Grille
- March 15, 2017
Two boaters are missing in the waters off of Pass-A-Grille
The search continues today in an effort to find two men that were separated from their boat in the turbulent waters of the Pass-A-Grille Channel at about 6pm on Tuesday evening.
15 students on spring break from Colorado State University were on a 71-foot charter boat off of Shell Key. Deputies say five males went swimming off the boat while it was anchored but only four were able to make it back to the boat. While the charter captain was assisting the swimmers that made it back to the boat, one of the crew members saw the fifth young man struggling in the rough open waters and jumped in to help.
Deputies say that neither one of the two swimmers were wearing flotation devices when they were caught in the rough currents in the Pass-A-Grille Channel.
Please be on the look out for the two missing men and report any information you may have.
Prior to these two men were reported missing, the Coast Guard says they performed four search-and-rescue missions and pulled 12 people from the water within a 12hr period along the west coast of Florida.
The St. Pete Beach Awards
The St. Pete Beach Awards showcase the city’s best of the best, voted on and chosen by the beach’s visitors and residents! Nominations for the St. Pete Beach Awards began on January 1st and lasted until January 25th. The nominations were tallied up, the official nominee’s were chosen and now is the time to cast your votes!
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