8th Annual Sanding Ovations
- November 19, 2016
on the beach at 104th Avenue & Gulf Boulevard
Now in its 8th year, SANDING OVATIONS is Treasure Island’s Master Cup Sand Sculpting Competition and Music Festival, a four day competition of ten sand sculpting masters from throughout North America, Europe and Asia, who create astonishing works of art using nothing but sand, water and lots of their own imagination. Sanding Ovations is a free event held on the weekend before Thanksgiving at the Sand Sculpture Capital of Florida, Treasure Island.
Click or tap here for Sanding Ovations on Facebook
Get Directions
Bus Shuttle $5 per carload/vehicle – pay on the bus. Paradise Boulevard intersects with the Treasure Island Causeway. Park at Treasure Bay Golf and Tennis, 10315 Paradise Boulevard or next door at Paradise Lutheran Church, 10255 Paradise Boulevard
- Shuttle runs every 15 minutes on Friday, November 18th from 5-11pm, Saturday, November 19th from 12pm to 12am and Sunday, November 20th from 12pm to 7pm
Event Area Parking within walking distance of Sanding Ovations
- Treasure Island Community Center, One Park Place @ 106th Avenue – metered parking
- Treasure Island Park (on the lawn parking), One Park Place @ 104th Avenue – $10 per vehicle per day
- Allied Specialty Insurance (Saturday and Sunday only), Gulf Boulevard between 104th & 105th Avenues – $15 per vehicle per day
- St. Petersburg Municipal Beach, Gulf Boulevard @ 112th Avenue – metered parking
- Gulf Front Park, 10400 Gulf Boulevard – metered parking
- Sandpiper Lot, Gulf Boulevard at 100th Avenue – metered parking
- Treasure Island City Hall, 120 108th Avenue
Other Metered Lots throughout City — park and call a free beach ride.
- Heron Lot, Bay Shore Drive and 75th Avenue, Sunset Beach
- Tern Lot, West Gulf Boulevard at 77th to 79th Avenue, next to Sunset Beach Pavilion
- Ring-Billed Gull Lot, West Gulf Boulevard at 81st Avenue, Sunset Beach
- Brown Pelican Lot, West Gulf Boulevard at 88th Avenue, Sunset Beach
- Sunset Vista Lot, 120th Avenue and Gulf Boulevard, Sunshine Beach
- White Egret Lot, 126th Avenue, Sunshine Beach
8am-5:30pm Sculptors begin work today with the “pound-up,” where tons of sand, combined with water, is molded into forms, which are then removed for the sculpting. At 7pm, join the sculptors at a meet ‘n’ greet at the Cystal Sands Ballroom at the Bilmar Beach Resort, 10650 Gulf Boulevard. $10 gets you everything: munchies from Sloppy Joe’s and beer from Great Bay Distributors.
8am-5:30pm Sculpting begins today. Most vendors set up today.
8am-5:30pm Sculpting
10am-10pm Vendors open
6:00pm – 8:00pm — Sarasota Slim & Friends Blues Extravaganza (Blues)
8:30pm – 10:00pm — Selwyn Birchwood (Blues)
8am-2pm Sculpting
10am-10pm Vendors open
2pm-6pm Voting for People’s Choice Award
2:00pm – 3:15pm — Motel Funk (Rock)
3:30pm – 4:45pm — Railway Kings (Country)
5:00pm – 6:00pm — Sunset Jam featuring all eight members of Motel Funk & Railways Kings
7pm Masters Cup Sand Sculpting Awards – Hosted by Event Organizer Meredith Corson
8:00pm – 10:00pm Pirate Flag Band (Kenny Chesney Tribute Band)
10pm Fireworks Show – Go boom
10am-7pm Vendors open
Noon – 1:30pm — Florida Folk Show with Pete Gallagher and the Florida Boys
featuring Gypsy Wind and Geri X (Folk)
2:00pm – 3:00pm — Boxcar Hollow (High Energy Americana)
3:00pm – 4:00pm — Screamin’ J’s (Piano Boogie Woogie)
4:15pm – 5:15pm — Holey Miss Moley (Funk Rock n Roll)
5:45pm – 7:00pm — Copious Jones (Original Jam Band)
– See more at: http://www.mytreasureisland.com/visitors/sanding_ovations_2014.php#sthash.kgboNaIw.dpuf