Pass-A-Grille Infrastructure Information
- October 24, 2016
Pass-A-Grille Way and 21st. Ave, Underground Improvements.
Below is a video showing and describing a 3-D model of the infrastructure currently being installed under the intersection of 21st ave and Pass-A-Grille Way.
This is a side by side view of how the intersection exists today and the final product of this project.
Here is a birds eye view you can see that the blue potable and purple reclaimed water run north and south along the west side of the intersection. the bright green sanitary main is located several feet above the water pipes, runs parallel to these pipes down the center of the intersection. Light green storm drains wrap around all except the south side of the intersection.
A purple reclaimed water line then extends east towards Vina-Del-Mar and west across 21st ave. A blue fire hydrant connects to the blue potable water on the south west corner of the intersection and two green manholes extend up on the northern and southern end of the intersection.
Phase I: Install Electrical Conduit
The first phase of this project is to lay the underground electrical conduit. This consists of the 14 red pipes being laid in both north south and east west directions. The pipes will be located below the dark green sanitary line, but above the light green storm, blue potable and purple reclaimed water lines.
Phase II: Install New Reclaimed and Potable Water Pipe
The second phase is the installation of the new blue potable and purple reclaimed water pipes. The new pipes will be laid just west of and parallel to the existing pipes. This will place the pipes out of the roadway and into the right of way. In addition, a new fire hydrant line will be placed just west of the existing hydrant to line up with the new potable water line.
Phase III: Remove Old Reclaimed and Potable Pipes
The next phase is to remove the old purple reclaimed and blue potable water lines from underneath the north bound traffic lane. The east west bound purple reclaimed pipes running off of the main line will then be tied into the new pipes.
Phase IV: Install New Sanitary Force Main, Remove Old Sanitary Force Main
During phase 4 a new sanitary force will be installed and the old sanitary force will be removed. The new force main will include a new man hole located west of the existing manhole and the old manhole will be removed.
Phase V: Add New Storm Drain Pipes
Phase 5 will increase the number of storm drains located on this intersection. the additional storm drain will enter the intersection from the south along the east side of pass a grille way, and wrap around the NE corner to extend west. Two new storm water inlets, will be installed on the NE and NW sections of the intersection.
Final Configuration
The final configuration has moved all except the sanitary force main, out of the center of the intersection and into the right of way, removed all overhead electrical lines, and enhanced the storm water efforts in the intersection.